If you run a business where deliveries are a big piece of the operation, having the right drivers is going to be key.

With that thought in mind, have you been doing a good job of getting the right people to deliver for you?

Bad choices in this aspect of your company can make for bad business practices.

So, what should you be looking for when hiring delivery drivers?

Make Driving Safety a Top Priority

In hiring those who will be responsible for delivering your goods, here are three keys to focus in on:

  1. Driving background – The background of anyone you hire should be of interest to you. That is especially true when the position calls for commonsense, deadlines and more. That said how well you know the background of a potential hire is key. For instance, what if you knew a potential hire had a shaky driving history? If you knew it, would you show any interest in hiring them? With all the info that is out there online, it behooves you to do some investigating. You can go online and do a traffic violation lookup. That will allow you to see if there are any notable red flags that should give you some pause in hiring a person. The goal is to get people with good driving backgrounds and not have to worry about when they drive for you.
  2. Qualifications for the job – A delivery job may sound like a rather mundane position to be in. As it turns out, there are more skills than one might first think about. In today’s world, more companies are requiring drivers to use navigation tech. Getting from one location to another often means going to areas one is not familiar with. If a driver has trouble handling the navigation along the way, it can slow down delivery time. When that occurs, it can make for some unhappy customers. Make sure you have the right tech in your delivery vehicles and that employees can handle using it. While it should not be all that difficult to handle, it is still important to be able to use at the end of the day. The type of vehicle/s you have also play a role. Be sure your drivers can handle such vehicles and know the basics of them. That is should they have any maintenance needs while out on the roads.
  3. Good personality – Last, your driver may or may not have contact with a customer when making a delivery. It could be the former will only be making a drop-off at a location and will not interact with the customer. On the flip side of the coin, they may have to interact if a signature is needed and so on. You want to be sure you have drivers with decent personalities. The last thing you want is the customer thinking that driver was not a nice person. This is especially true if the latter will be making more deliveries to the same customer at later times.

In hiring the right drivers for your company, will you deliver the goods and get the best ones out there?