Have you decided to have breast augmentation?

Deciding to have breast augmentation or reconstruction can be difficult, but it is an essential step if you want to feel more confident about your body. Living with a breast issue like fibrocystic disease or a genetic condition such as tuberous sclerosis can also be distressing and feel like a violation of your body’s integrity.

Nevertheless, as you move towards scheduling your breast surgery, there is a lot that you can do to make your recovery process smoother.

Ready to take that important next step? Here is what you need to know.

1. Get in the Right Mindset for Surgery

Preparing for surgery can be an emotional and challenging task. To ensure the best outcome for cosmetic surgery, getting in the right mindset for the procedure is important. 

Additionally, it is also important to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, and mindfulness to stay calm in the days leading up to surgery. Also, attending a support group may be helpful, as it can help provide moral support and help reduce anxiety.

Finally, make sure to get plenty of rest. Reduce stress levels as much as possible to be in the best emotional state possible for the surgery.

2. Know What to Expect During the Surgery

When it comes to preparing for surgery, it is very important to know what to expect during the surgery. It is essential to have an honest conversation with your plastic surgeon about any questions or concerns that you may have. Be well informed on the surgery, its expectations, and the possible risks involved.

Make sure to let your breast surgeon know your medical history, including any medications or allergies, as this could affect the outcome of the plastic surgery. Additionally, ask to review any post-operative care instructions that the surgeon will be providing.

Most importantly, ensure you are working with the best breast augmentation surgeon. Knowing what to expect before, during, and after the surgery and having the best surgeon will ensure the procedure goes as smoothly and safely as possible.

3. Set Up Arrangements for Aftercare

Before leaving for the hospital or medical facility, stock up on some essentials like comfortable clothing, medication, and medical supplies if needed. Have someone ready to provide emotional support and help with any activities you cannot do yourself. 

Make sure to have someone with you when you are discharged. Have a team that can provide helpful tips for postoperative care. Ensure that you have access to public transportation if you need it and have a clear plan for when you will be returning to work.

Finally, create a flexible plan for adjusting your daily tasks, as you will need to rest for optimal recovery time. With the right kind of preparation, you can have a smooth recovery.

4. Prepare Your Body for Surgery

When anticipating breast surgery, taking steps to ensure you are in optimal health is important. This includes making sure you are well rested and avoiding smoking and alcohol.

Additionally, it is advisable to get regular exercise in the weeks leading up to plastic surgery. This will help to strengthen your body and improve healing.

Furthermore, it is essential to stop taking herbal remedies, aspirin, and other supplements as they can interfere with anesthesia. 

5. Invest in Pillows and Comfy Clothing

Investing in pillows and comfortable clothing can help improve post-operative well-being. Place pillows in areas around your body to aid with proper posture, comfort, and alleviating pain.

In addition, invest in clothing that fits loosely and comfortably, such as button-down shirts, stretchy pants, and comfortable bras. Try to select items that are easy to pull on and off, such as slips with no closures that can easily be pulled over your head.

Last, it is essential to select clothes that are not too tight and will not rub against the incision site(s).

6. Arrange Care for Your Child and Pet

Before breast surgery, planning and arranging care for your children and pets is important. Having someone in your care who can step in and take over when you are not feeling your best can give you the peace of mind that your family and animals are being taken care of.

Start reaching out in advance to close friends or family members who can help and provide any necessary supplies. If possible, arrange pet care and pet boarding to keep your little ones safe while you are recovering.

Create a plan that works for everyone involved. Be sure to include a detailed list of instructions to ensure that your children and pets are properly taken care of.

Lastly, make sure to answer any questions and set in place any household rules that may need to be established before your procedure.

7. Follow a Healthy Diet

Eating nutritious meals ensures that you are getting the necessary fuel your body needs to heal and recover after the surgery. Focus on foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources, dairy, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine, as these can interfere with the healing process.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help with digestion. Eating regular meals will also help ensure your blood sugar levels remain consistent and that your body gets the nutrients it needs. In addition, foods that are rich in probiotics can help support your digestive health.

Get Ready for a Breast Surgery

Preparing for breast surgery can help ease any anxiety you may be feeling. Remember to connect with your medical team, clarify the procedure, and create a recovery plan. Take the time to seek complementary therapy, such as yoga or massage, to assist with relaxation and pain management.

By following these tips, you can feel confident and armed to conquer your surgery successfully. Don’t delay! Take the next step to take control of your health and recovery journey now!

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