Here is the scenario, you get into a minor car accident with another driver. The damage to both cars is minimal, and you exchange information. However, what if the other driver files a lawsuit against you? A lawyer could help protect your rights and prevent critical mistakes from harming your chances of recovery.

Representation in Court

When an at-fault party or their insurance company doesn’t want to pay what you deserve for damages, the next step may be taking them to court. A reputable car accident lawyer will know how to evaluate your case and advise you if it makes sense to pursue litigation. They’ll also be able to advise you on whether or not a settlement offer is fair. They can also help you file your lawsuit within the statute of limitations. They’ll prepare you for your deposition by preparing questions to help build your case. If your injuries are minor and the damage to your car is relatively low, hiring a lawyer might seem unnecessary. But statistics show that individuals who have attorneys receive more from their injury settlements than those who don’t. They’ll also handle all of the legal paperwork and insurance communication for you. This frees you up to focus on your recovery. This is especially important when dealing with large insurers.

Gathering The Evidence

After a long day, you are sitting at a red light when another car pulls up behind you. You both reach down to change the radio station when the accident happens. No one is badly hurt, and both cars have only minor damage. The insurance company offers you a settlement, and you sign it thinking that this is the most you can get for your vehicle repair and medical bills. Many people do not realize that accepting an insurance settlement may mean giving up their right to file a lawsuit over the incident. This is why hiring a personal injury lawyer Albany NY is essential. Personal injury attorneys can access a network of resources, including medical experts, investigators and accident reconstructionists. These professionals will help strengthen your case and provide important evidence. They will also help you determine the full cost of your injuries. This includes past and future expenses like hospital bills, ambulance fees, prescriptions and physical therapy.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

Most car accident victims have many losses to cover, such as medical bills and property damage. A lawyer can help determine what losses to include and advise on the proper compensation amounts to seek. An experienced attorney understands how insurance companies work and what tactics they use to try to deny or minimize a claim. They can handle all communications with the insurance company to prevent any mistakes that could hurt your case. When the insurance adjuster sends a settlement offer, your lawyer can provide a detailed response that supports your claim and explains your injuries. This includes providing the correct medical terminology, showing how your injuries have affected your life and referring to treatment records to support your claim for pain and suffering. This will make the insurance company realize that your injury claim is valid. The adjuster will likely then respond by lowering their initial offer. Your lawyer can then negotiate with them for the best possible outcome.

Recovering Compensation

It is important to have an attorney because insurance companies often challenge accident victims’ claims. They may question the severity of your injuries or argue that certain treatments are unnecessary. They also may offer you a settlement far short of covering your actual damages. Your lawyer can help you recover the full amount of your injuries. This will include a sum for your medical expenses, car repair costs, and lost income. Your lawyer can also calculate future losses and non-economic damages, including pain and suffering. Your attorney will interview witnesses, review your medical records, request an accident report, and analyze photos and videos of the crash scene. They will work with experts to determine the actual value of your damages and identify all negligent parties. This will ensure that you receive the maximum compensation possible. It can also speed up the settlement process. This is because the insurance company will know that you have a strong legal advocate on your side.