Have you ever thought about writing a memoir?

A good memoir is one of the best ways to let the people around you glimpse at the hard work and struggles you’ve gone through in your life. You can write about some of the most important lessons that life has taught you. 

Are you thinking about writing a memoir, but you aren’t sure about the length of it? 

It’s important that you provide an answer to that question by taking into account your interests. By reading this short and simple guide, you’ll learn a little more about how long should a memoir be.

What Is the Recommended Length of a Memoir?

If the memoir is a work of fiction, there is no set length, as this can be anywhere from a few pages to a few hundred pages. If it’s a personal memoir, then it’s usually expected to reach around 50,000-100,000 words. A book-length memoir usually should be around 80,000-200,000 words, and if it were to be published, it should reach at least 50,000 words.

Keep in mind that the audience should determine the length of the memoir; if it is targeted toward young adults, then the memoir should be shorter and more concise. It is also important to think about what the memoir will address and the amount of detail that will be included in your memoir writing.

It should address big events, stories, and anecdotes in your life that have made an impact. By reflecting on what you want your memoir to cover, you can chart out the size of the project and the number of words needed for the length of a memoir.

Tips for Narrowing Down Your Memoir’s Word Count

Write out the whole story without worrying about the length of the memoir. Don’t worry about the word count from the start. Once the first draft is complete, start looking for places where you can be more concise.

Cut out unnecessary descriptions, dialogues, and details. Also, think about the main points or ideas that must be conveyed and how they can be presented in the fewest words possible. Lastly, getting an objective opinion from a friend or editor may help determine what can be removed or made more concise. 

Benefits of Keeping a Shorter Page Count

Keeping a shorter memoir page count is an important consideration when writing a book about your life. A shorter page count means that the reader can read through your material in a more efficient manner without having to wade through long passages of your personal experiences.

It is much easier to read through a shorter memoir page count if you are looking for certain key points rather than reading through many pages of material. People are more likely to pick up a book with fewer pages, considering it an easier read. It keeps your prices lower, making the book more affordable for potential readers. 

Your Ultimate Guide on How Long Should a Memoir Be

Memoirs can be as short or as long as you need them to be, with the average length being around 180 pages or 50,000 words. There is no exact formula for the length of the memoir, and it should come down to the story you want to tell.

Write your memoir to the right length and size doesn’t matter. Now you have the tools you need and you know how long should a memoir be – let’s get writing!

Don’t stop telling your story now. Take a look at our other articles to find even more helpful tips.