Stress is an omnipresent aspect of modern society. While today’s fast-paced, competitive culture has led to incredible advances in science and technology, it has equally resulted in an overworked, emotionally exhausted populace. Because there are many types of stress, online resources often suggest a myriad of different solutions for everyday stress. Notably, wellness company Brillia Health has identified five lifestyle practices that keep stress and anxiety at a minimum. The extent to which each of these practices is useful, however, depends on the primary sources of strain in your life.

Social Stress

Social relationships can cause strain that you might not even be aware of. Difficult marriages or troubled childhood friendships often create a kind of background anxiety in people sensitive to others’ thoughts and feelings. While medication and good lifestyle practices can help relieve symptoms of social stress, dealing with the root of the problem is always the best way to handle difficult social situations. For many, this might mean hiring a marriage counselor or seeking the advice of a therapist. A proactive approach is usually best when dealing with others.

Psychological Stress

Regardless of what some might have you believe, the human body only can only efficiently perform a limited amount of work in a single day. The demands that school and work place on modern citizens often exceed normal limits for effective productivity. When this happens, the brain develops anxiety as it becomes overloaded and draws resources from emergency stores of energy. Fortunately, the human body is incredibly resilient. By taking regular breaks, practicing meditation, and deliberately calming the nervous system, you can dramatically increase your daily productivity. Calming medication for children can help young people get into the habit of relaxing purposefully throughout a difficult school day.

Physical Stress

Both mental and physical work require metabolic resources that can result in stress and anxiety when exhausted. When a physical workload has resulted in complete fatigue, rest and proper diet are the best solutions. While the body is capable of incredible things in dire situations, you should not allow your body to exist in an emergency state for long periods of time. It is always better for your long-term health to eat, sleep, and relax adequately

Situational Stress

Everyone experiences pronounced periods of stress at times. Whether caused by the death of a loved one or a difficult new job, situational stress can make it difficult to function in many avenues of life. Difficult times call for a full spectrum of self-care procedures. Exercise, diet, and sleep are vital. Avoiding social media or extended screen time can help reduce external sources of anxiety. Homeopathic medicine for anxiety and stress can reduce background anxiety, making it easier to function in the face of distractions or self-doubt. Remember that, like all things, stressors are temporary.

While severe stress can be unhealthy or even dangerous, it is important to realize that some stressors can be good. Moderate workplace challenges, for example, often lead to positive personal growth and should not be actively avoided. Dealing with strain positively through healthy behaviors and natural remedies can actually become part of your personal growth process.