Parents with preschool aged kids have the responsibility to jumpstart their educational journey. While most parents choose to enroll their child in traditional learning centres, some parents choose the option of joining home early learning classes to teach the young ones without the need to join classes.

Being your child’s first teacher can be a rewarding job. But taking the teaching responsibility from educators is also very challenging. It can be hard to encourage them to focus on the lessons. Here are several secrets that all parents need to know to make home early learning fun and successful for both you and your child.

Establish A Set Of Routine

Young children need to follow a schedule to practice self-control and boost their independence. According to the experts, knowing what to expect every day can help develop the child’s confidence. It also allows them to feel comfortable doing similar activities since they have experienced it beforehand. So when introducing home early learning classes for young students, it would be best to list down a schedule that you and your child will strictly follow each time you have a class.

Shorten Your Lessons

Young children, especially during the preschool years, tend to have a shorter attention timespan. If you insist on finishing all the day’s tasks in a straight schedule, both you and the child will only get frustrated. So limit the lessons that require independent work for a maximum of 20 minutes per subject. You must also schedule the lessons when your child is at his or her most attentive stage.

Offer Sensory Breaks

Your kid will feel heavy pressure whenever they deal with new schoolwork and face new learning material. So make it a point to let them enjoy several breaks from time to time. You can allow them to play for a while by running outside the room or tinker with their toys in between each lesson.

Set A Distraction-Free Work Space

Since children have a short attention span, they can get easily distracted with anything that may disrupt their concentration. For this reason, you must never conduct your lessons for home early learning classes in the same area where you keep their toys or in a place near the TV and other entertainment gadgets. You must also avoid having lessons in the room where they can see other children avoid distractions.

Avoid Restricting Their Movements

Some parents require their kids to sit still while the lessons are still ongoing. But you will discover that they can retain more information if you let them move around, fidget with small objects, or play with silent toys while you are reading the lessons out loud. You may also choose to do your homeschooling lectures outdoors once in a while to break the monotony and give them a fresh background to more inspiration.

Invest In Sensory Tools

Using tools like exercise balls, balancing discs, or vibrating therapy pillows can do wonders to help keep your children focused on the lessons. They can use it to keep their mind concentrated on their tasks at hand. However, you need to limit the number of these tools since too many objects in the room may distract the child.

Teaching early learning at home may be a tiring and daunting task. But the rewards that it can bring to you and your child could be worth all the trouble. Make sure to try these home early learning secrets to make the most out of your homeschooling journey.