Shilajit is widely known as a potent antioxidant and is believed to be better than Noni and blueberries in potency. Antioxidant activity is strong due to the high fulvic acid levels naturally found in Shilajit. There are plenty of tests done to understand just how well shilajit performs as an antioxidant.

Researchers from the Biochemistry Section of the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India did research titled “Antilipid Peroxidative Property of Shilajit” with the hopes of knowing how shilajit affects lipid peroxidation and glutathione in rat liver homogenates. The purpose of the test was to understand if shilajit affects lipid peroxidation.

Lipid peroxidation is the breakdown of lipids. The process releases free radicals that grab electrons from the lipids found in cell membranes. This reaction causes cell damage. The end product of lipid peroxidation is usually malondialdehyde, and a messenger of free radicals called 4- hydroxynononenal. These products are known to be carcinogenic and mutagenic (alters DNA).

Malondialdehyde is found in heated edible oils like palm oil, and increased levels of malondialdehyde are usually noted in persons who suffer from keratoconus, osteoarthritis, and different types of cancer. The by-product contributes towards DNA damage and causes DNA mutation. Alterations in the DNA significantly contribute to the development of cancer and other genetic diseases; that is why the presence of malondialdehyde is a status marker for cancer. 


It is established that free radicals play a significant role in many diseases and shilajit is used to help in a wide range of ailments, with many researchers agreeing that its potent antioxidant property may play a pivotal role to its protective benefits. The research showed that shilajit has strong antioxidant properties effectively inhibiting lipid peroxidation. This outcome suggests that shilajit can help prevent cellular damage brought about by radicals.

In other studies, Shilajit was found to have free radical scavenging properties and improved phagocytic activity; thus, suggesting improved immunity and against oxidative stress.

The study further confirms the use of shilajit as an all natural antioxidant and may be a better option than popularly marketed antioxidants like Noni and blueberries. Fulvic acid is credited for its fantastic antioxidant property, but fulvic acid has other benefits. It also helps improve nutrient transport; thus, combining shilajit with other medications or other antioxidants could result in better antioxidant activity overall.