You will be hoping that your projects each go smoothly, with everyone working together in harmony. While this is what happens in the majority of PRINCE2 projects, there may be cases when you have to deal with conflict between the project team, stakeholders and end users.
This can seem like something that is going to make a successful resolution impossible. However, once you understand how to resolve conflict you can feel confident of leading a piece of work like this to a successful ending.
Understand Each Group’s Point of View
Why has this conflict appeared anyway? From your point of view it may be difficult to understand especially if you are working on something that it is going to be of great use to everyone. Shouldn’t they all be happily working together on this?
Well, this is why it is so important to understand the varying points of view that they hold. It could be some don’t understand the project fully. Others may think that it is a waste of money or that they could do a better job of it.
Until you understand what everyone is thinking it is going to be next to impossible to keep them happy. Getting the whole group together for a clear the air meeting is a terrific idea that will allow you to get to the bottom of the matter.
Share More Information
Another common reason for conflicts to occur in PRINCE2 projects is that people might resent it if they don’t know what is going on. If you are changing a process that is a big part of their day then they might get nervous and upset if you don’t tell them much.
In most cases, they won’t come right out and tell you that they want to know more information about the project. This means that you will need to interpret the signals that they are sending out to you.
The good news is that this methodology puts a strong emphasis on communication. You should look to use meetings, workshops and emails to make everyone else feel as though they are up to date with the entire project.
Get Everyone to Work Together
Working together with the different teams is one of the best ways of keeping conflict to a minimum. In this way, they will get to know each other and realise that they are working together towards common goals.
There is also a huge benefit for the project team in doing this. The end users and stakeholders are typically the people who can answer most of your questions about processes and systems.
It can be useful to have some business team experts become project experts and take their PRINCE2 Cardiff . However, there is also a lot to be said for simply being able to get in touch and ask a few questions whenever more details are needed.
Show the Benefits That You Will Achieve
Is everyone likely to be happier once they see the benefits that this project will bring to them? When you are caught up in a project it is easy to forget that not everyone knows as much about its overall goals as you do.
By focussing on the communication aspects of the PRINCE2 approach, you can let all of the interested parties get a better feel for where it is headed. This can be crucial in getting them on your side.
With the help of these simple tips, you should discover that getting everyone to work together without any problems doesn’t have to be too difficult to achieve.