Going to a therapist can be a genuinely daunting experience. The uncertainty and fear about diving in to deeper emotions can cause some people to be too scared to move forward. It is not uncommon to go to one session but be afraid to continue. By understanding what is holding you back from going to a therapist, you will be able to stop yourself in the tracks and follow through.

– Feelings of Being Triggered

Nothing hurts more than speaking to your therapist, talking about different experiences, and feeling the feelings rise up inside you reminding you of the struggle. If you fear this feeling happening again, please let your therapist know that it affects your mental health to relive these moments. However, it is through these conversations that they can give you a guiding solution to better patch up the past. Don’t let the slight moments of discomfort get in the way of the possible growth and healing you can experience after you talk about everything.

– Angry at Your Therapist

Has your therapist ever said anything that bothered you? Did they ever ask you about a certain experience and poke questions on topics you didn’t want to talk about? Your therapist needs to know about certain topics to better understand how to help you deal with these situations. Another common fear is when they read you like a book and call you out on your lifestyle. This feeling can be a bit overwhelming and even feel threatening. While you may be angry, taking it out on your therapist by not showing up is only going to hinder your progress. Anger towards your therapist can stop you from wanting to grow together and build a relationship where they can guide you to a better place in your life.

– It May Be Time to Move On

You may also be avoiding your therapist because it doesn’t feel like it’s 100 percent the place to be for you. There may not be as much of a connection as when you first started or there just seems to be a lack of real communication that benefits you as a patient. Finding the right therapist is key for finding your growth and leaning into your healing. Without the right therapist, you could be missing out on some serious inner developments. Ending it with your therapist is a skill you need to develop if you want to shop through different people to find someone that best suits your needs and how you want to be communicated with.

Talkspace is a resource that provides online therapy sessions in the comfort of your own home. They have numerous certified and professional therapists to choose from so you have the chance to find someone who is right for you. Talkspace makes it easy to get the help you need and get access from so many people. Using Talkspace to receive therapy is the easiest way to get the help you need from the comfort of your own home.