State and private schools, colleges, universities and governments have a huge obligation to provide quality education for students of all ages. However, the increasing numbers of student intakes and other space requirements often outpace the rate of construction of permanent buildings, leading to overcrowded facilities and limited resources.

Fortunately, temporary school buildings can be a quick solution for such situations and they can offer some much-needed space to all kinds of educational institutions. These structures offer a quick, affordable and efficient solution to take care of the urgent need for classroom space or other educational infrastructure such as computer rooms or science labs.

Below are some of the reasons that make temporary school buildings valuable and efficient solutions for space in the education sector:

Rapid deployment

One of the most important reasons to consider temporary buildings in the education sector is that they can be installed in as little as a few days or weeks to alleviate overcrowding in schools.

Unlike brick-and-mortar buildings which can take several months to construct and be usable, installation of temporary school buildings is pretty fast allowing institutions to respond quickly to urgent space needs and changes in the educational landscape.


Schools, like many other organisations, must operate within tight budgets and are always looking for ways to cut costs or save money. The good news is that temporary school buildings can provide educational institutions with the space they need without forcing them to spend beyond their means.

The most crucial thing is for schools and other educational institutions to contact Smart-Space, the leading temporary structure supplier in the UK for over 30 years, and get their customised space solutions. To save even more on costs, schools, colleges and other education providers can choose to hire temporary structures instead of buying if they need them for only a short period, thus avoiding a huge investment.


Compared to permanent buildings that involve heavy excavation, using lots of non-renewable materials, and other activities that can mess with the environment, temporary school buildings are designed to conserve the environment. These structures can be designed to be energy efficient and use environmentally-friendly materials. Also, the construction of temporary buildings does not usually involve the use of heavy earth-moving machines or extensive excavation that may lead to damaging the surroundings.

Easy customisation and adaptability

One of the best features of temporary school buildings is that they can be customised to match the needs of the specific educational institution. They can be tailored to be used as classrooms, dormitories, dining halls, offices and other facilities. Thus, depending on the needs of the users or schools, the structures can be made to suit specific requirements. The higher level of adaptability of these structures ensures that the learning institutions can cater for the different academic and non-academic need needs.


Temporary buildings are easy to install and dismantle without any damage. These buildings are made in a way that the parts or modules that make them are easy to assemble and disassemble making it easy for those who need to move with the buildings from one location to another to do so.

Therefore, temporary school buildings allow institutions to accommodate extra students and other people during events, or when in out-of-school activities without investing in permanent structures that are not needed for a long time.


Temporary school buildings are a great and effective answer to space needs for educational institutions because they provide quick and affordable solutions. Their rapid deployment, easy customisation and adaptability, cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness make them such an invaluable solution in the education industry.