Everyone dreads the day they lose a loved one. While this day is inevitable, there are things you can do to make your experience a little bit easier. One of those things is funerals.

Without the proper funeral planning, figuring out what to do can be a little overwhelming. Luckily, our team is available to help make the experience a little bit smoother for you.

If you’re planning a funeral viewing, here are some thoughtful planning tips that you should consider. Let’s get into it!

Choose a Venue Carefully

One of the first things to look out for is the size of the venue. If you’re considering a funeral home, you have to make sure that it is can accommodate the expected number of attendees.

In addition, ensure to check the facility’s catering options as they can impact the event’s cost and quality. Make sure the venue can provide clean restrooms, and accommodation for kids, and is accessible no matter the time of day.

Lastly, it is also helpful to read reviews and visit the place before booking to ensure that it meets your expectations.

Personalize the Service

Personalizing the memorial service can be particularly meaningful. One key way to do so is to find ways to share the memories, stories, relationships, and accomplishments of the life being remembered.

Sharing stories showcasing the deceased’s spirit is one way to fill a service with beloved memories. Also, the program may include things such as:

  • Favorite song of the deceased
  • Poem or reading
  • Incorporate favorite colors
  • Meaningful symbols in the flowers and decors

Furthermore, you can let loved ones offer reflections or songs to mark the occasion. These personalized touches will help to honor the memory of the deceased and make a funeral more meaningful for all in attendance.

Set Up a Memorial Table

It is important to coordinate with the venue to ensure that a suitable space is available. Before the viewing, collect meaningful items to be arranged beautifully on tables like:

  • Photographs and artworks
  • Candles and religious paraphernalia
  • Personal artifacts
  • Favorite quotations

Additionally, you should discuss with the family the items they would like to contribute to the memorial table. Furthermore, it could be nice to provide guests with a commemorative book or album to share their thoughts and fond memories.

Remember, it’s important to take time to make it a personal tribute that can remain long after the funeral is over.

Prepare a Meaningful Program

It is essential to consider the wishes of the departed and their family and plan accordingly. Expect the needs of the guest, including seating, sound, food, and time for visitation.

Creating a meaningful program can help guests remember the life and legacy of the departed. You can also have a few volunteers on hand to answer any questions and take care of any needs that may arise.

Make sure to customize the program to reflect what the deceased and their family would want. Thoughtful planning of the funeral wake will ensure that guests leave feeling connected, comforted, and supported.

Have Food and Drinks Available

It would be great to have food and drinks available to ensure your guests have what they need. This will help them get through an emotional and difficult day. Consider providing coffee and tea to soothe and comfort guests.

Also, think about providing plenty of light snacks and desserts such as cookies, candy, and muffins. Non-alcoholic drinks are also good options such as juice, soda, and lemonade.

Make Arrangements for Transportation

It is crucial to make sure that family and friends who plan to attend have enough transportation. Contact bus companies to rent if there are more people than personal vehicles available.

You can arrange vehicle rides with friends and family to shuttle guests, especially if they have a disability or illness. Also, make sure those providing transportation are aware of the time, location, and parking availability.

Moreover, create a Google doc or map to help those unfamiliar with the area. Provide directions to the burial location in advance. You can use online tools to make a funeral web page and provide details on service times and locations.

All of these can be invaluable communication tools to ensure everyone is on the same page throughout the entire planning process.

Ensure Adequate Seating

One vital component of a successful viewing is ensuring enough seating for all the mourners attending. If you work within a pre-existing venue, you should know its capacity limits.

Consider borrowing chairs, benches, or couches to ensure everyone has a place to gather. If necessary, rent extra chairs and tables if the venue is not large enough.

Taking the time to plan for seating and factoring in the expected number of mourners ensures the viewing is comforting and respectful.

Make Sure the Technology Works

Ensuring that the graveyard or memorial site has the required technology and capacity to stream the event is crucial. Look into the audio and video equipment before the service to ensure they work correctly.

Additionally, ensure that everyone in the virtual service can hear and see the proceedings. Check that slideshow make sense when viewed remotely and that everyone can access them during the service.

Also, ensure the virtual guests are registered and can access the viewing service. Finally, ensure that any recordings or photographs taken can be accessed and shared with those in attendance who are not present.

Crafting a Memorable Funeral Viewing

Planning a meaningful funeral viewing for a loved one can be an essential and healing experience. Creating an authentic and personal memorial can be done with great care and thought.

When you pause to ponder the details and plan strategically, you can create a setting to honor your loved one and console those grieving. With thoughtful planning, a heartfelt and memorable viewing is within reach.

Contact your local funeral home today and begin planning a meaningful funeral wake.

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