There’s nothing more frustrating than an underperforming website, right?

You put your time, money in energy to pay for content, hosting and promotion; however, the idea of putting even more effort into a site that’s not up to snuff just seems useless.

Businesses understand that growing your website presents represents playing the long game, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Couple this with the fact that the majority of web content hardly gets shared and it feels like businesses are oftentimes facing an uphill battle online.

Relax. Oftentimes, businesses face common symptoms when it comes to why their sites are struggling for clicks, conversions and traffic in general. Below we’ve outlined three quick fixes you can implement to your site ASAP to get the ball rolling rather than play the waiting game.

Your Business and its Goals Aren’t Clear

Simply put, many sites try to do way too much to visitors at a glance. Bear in mind that your traffic makes decisions within a matter of seconds regarding whether or not they’re going to stick around their site. If they can’t figure out who you are ASAP, you can bet they’re not going to sift through a wall of text to find out.

That’s why quality explainer videos for businesses are so powerful. Video content is insanely popular right now and likewise requires less work on the part of your reader. Rather than forcing them to read for small details, you can explain what your business does, what your brand is all about and how you can help them in a matter of seconds.

Likewise, try to make your site in general less about you and more about your visitors. Keep the ratio of “I” versus “you” in check and opt for shorter, bite-sized chunks of information.

You’re Too Obsessed with SEO

It takes months to years to rank for competitive keywords depending on your business’ niche. Making the mistake of spamming your site with title tags and H1s that feel stiff and lifeless won’t do anything to help visitors connect to your site.

While SEO and keywords are a crucial component of any site, sacrificing readability and usability for search terms is a lose-lose situation. Not only will your site come across as spammy, but you’ll also be less likely to score links from other legitimate businesses in your industry.

So how do you start trickling traffic to your site without being too focused on SEO? Some smart strategies include…

  • Implementing a guest posting strategy and commenting on niche blogs relevant to your business
  • Running social ads on Facebook to drive traffic to your content
  • Becoming more active on social media, participating in group discussions and solving problems to label your business as an authority

If you consistently take these steps, traffic will start to snowball.

Your Site Lacks a Sense of Trust

When you think about the sheer amount of spam out there, it’s more important than ever for businesses to signal their trustworthiness in a matter of seconds. Whether it’s through seals of approval, testimonials or photos of satisfied clients, anything you can do to label yourself as a legitimate business versus a spammer is a major plus. Likewise, craft your website in a natural, conversational way trumps a cold and calculating approach that seems too cookie-cutter.

If your site is currently struggling in terms of clicks and search performance, don’t despair. Instead, think about how you can implement these three fixes sooner rather than later.